Helping hands

Get Support

As a public university, UC Davis is governed by the same laws as any government body. That means that all members of our community enjoy the protections of the First Amendment. This freedom is essential, but it also has the potential to offend and even to hurt.

While the university cannot restrict these liberties, we offer many services to help students, staff and faculty cope with the discomfort that the free and open exchange of ideas can bring. This section lists a series of resources where you can go to find support.

Confidential Resources

Counseling Services (Students Only)

Counseling Services is a multi-culturally and educationally diverse group of psychologists, social workers, therapists and doctoral trainees. Mental health providers at Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) offer confidential counseling and are not required to report incidents of sexual violence to the university. For same-day access to a confidential mental health provider, please call 530-752-2349 and ask to speak with a mental health professional.

Academic and Staff Assistance Program (Staff and Faculty Only)

The Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) offers confidential, cost-free assessment, intervention, consultation and referral services to all UC Davis faculty and staff as well as their immediate families. Whether the problem is work-related or personal, administrative or individual, career or relationship focused, our experienced staff can assist you in recognizing and resolving the problem. When additional resources are needed, we can refer you to the appropriate services in your community. If you are concerned about a colleague, co-worker, friend, subordinate or work group, we can help you. Our goal is to help at the earliest possible moment.

Center for Advocacy, Resources and Education (Students, Staff and Faculty)

The UC Davis Center for Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE): Advocacy Office for Sexual and Gender-based Violence and Sexual Misconduct is an on-campus, confidential resource for all students, staff and faculty who have experienced any form of sexual violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence and stalking. We provide 24/7 emergency response, crisis intervention, and support services for survivors. Additionally, we offer support and guidance to family members, friends and other persons concerned for the survivor.

Ombuds Office (Students, Staff and Faculty)

The UC Davis Ombuds Office is a confidential, independent, impartial and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis campus community. We invite students, staff and faculty, with university-related issues and concerns, to visit our office.

Ombuds can assist by listening, clarifying issues, identifying polices and resources, and by providing coaching and communication strategies. The Ombuds Office is not authorized to accept notice of claims against the University of California, Davis. Discussions with the Ombuds Office do not create a record, nor do they begin a formal process. The Ombuds Office will keep conversations confidential unless imminent harm or danger is present.

Additional Resources

Center for Student Involvement (Students, Registered Student Organizations)

The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) is the campus department through which groups register as a student organization at UC Davis. We are here to help groups operate successfully on campus and to support the educational experience that organizations provide for student members—as well as the entire campus community. Each year thousands of important programs and services are offered by student organizations at UC Davis. Student organizations play an integral role in the quality of the campus environment and the educational process for students, faculty, staff and the community at large.

Cultural and Identity Centers, Initiatives and Programs (Students Only)

Campus offers many identity and cultural-based centers and programs, where students can find support and helpful resources among a welcoming and inclusive community.

Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (Students, Staff and Faculty)

The Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP) at UC Davis supports the university's commitment to a discrimination-free work and learning environment by:

  • Preventing harassment and discrimination from occurring at UC Davis through education
  • Assisting individuals and campus units to resolve conflicts and complaints related to harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence and hate and bias
  • Serving as the central office for receiving reports and maintaining records of these types of complaints

Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (Students Only)

Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) staff serves as a resource for informal resolution of student grievances. OSSJA provides information, advice and referrals regarding student rights and grievances, including concerns such as arbitrary treatment, free expression, privacy, discrimination and sexual harassment. OSSJA seeks to protect student rights and mediation skills, and promote a climate of fairness, civility, mutual respect and positive communication on campus.