Planning an Event or Demonstration

Whether using amplified sound or inviting a speaker to campus, there are many things to consider. Campus units, groups and individuals planning an event or demonstration are required to make space reservations through the university's Conference and Event Services (CES).

Registered Student Organizations (RSO) can work with the Center for Student Involvement for logistical support and guidance, including help with time, place and manner regulations, to set the stage for a successful event. Learn more by visiting the Center for Student Involvement website. If you have additional questions, you may also contact the Assistant Director of Student Expression for campus at

Time, Place and Manner Restrictions

Consistent with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, time, place and manner regulations are reasonable limitations on when, where and how public speech or assembly may occur. In public forums such as the Quad, the university may not regulate the content of speech but has established time, place and manner regulations in the Freedom of Expression Policy (PPM 400-01). Examples of university time, place and manner restrictions include:

  • Restricting Free Movement: All public spaces, including but not limited to sidewalks, lobbies, courtyards, hallways, and other paths, thoroughfares and open areas must be maintained to permit safe access and travel for pedestrians, and, where appropriate, bicycles and other vehicles. No person may restrict the movement of another person or persons by, among other means, blocking or obstructing their access to roadways, walkways, buildings, parking structures, fire lanes, windows, doors or other passageways to university property, or otherwise denying a person access to a university facility or space, or imposing checkpoints or other mechanisms to exclude persons on the basis of protected characteristics or viewpoint.
  • Concealing identity when violating University policy or applicable laws: Wearing masks or face coverings is permissible for all persons who are complying with University policies and applicable laws. No person, while on University property, may conceal their identity or refuse to provide their identification for the purpose of evading or escaping discovery, recognition, or identification in the commission of violation of applicable University policy or local, state, or federal laws, including acts of unlawful intimidation or harassment of any person or group. For more info, see FAQ below.
  • Failure to Reveal Identity: No person on university property may refuse to identify themselves when requested by a university official who is performing their duties in situations that require assistance or intervention (see UC PACAOS 102.16). 
  • Unauthorized Structures:
    • No individual or group may set up or maintain unauthorized structures on university property.
    • The university has designated a site on the Quad for “symbolic speech,” where symbolic structures may be placed by students, staff, faculty, and campus organizations with prior authorization from Conference and Event Services (see PPM 270-20).
  • Amplified Sound: An amplified sound is limited to certain hours. A permit must be obtained from Conference and Event Services before amplified sound may be used at outdoor events, or at indoor events when the space does not have sound equipment (i.e., lobbies, entrances, stairways). (see PPM 270-20; CES Amplified Sound website)
  • Camping or Erecting a Campsite: No individual or group may camp, set up, or erect a campsite, or occupy a tent or other temporary housing structure on university property.
  • Distribution of Literature: Literature to be distributed must be of a non-commercial nature and must indicate the name of the sponsoring person or organization. Outdoor table distribution of literature is restricted to designated areas near the Memorial and Silo Unions, and reservations must be made for outdoor tables. Distribution shall not obstruct the free flow of traffic or obstruct the ingress and egress from university buildings. See the Student Affairs distribution of literature policy
  • Posting Policy: Temporary posting of information on campus property and/or university buildings is limited to designated locations. They must not disrupt university activities, impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow, create hazards, contribute to clutter or litter, cause damage or visual blight, or impact safety or security. See the Facilities Management temporary posting policy.

A complete list of university time, place and manner restrictions can be found in section IV of the University's Freedom of Expression policy (PPM 400-01).

Time, Place and Manner FAQs

  • Does the concealing identity directive prohibit individuals on campus from wearing a mask or face covering during a policy-compliant protest? 
  • Those who choose to wear masks or face coverings while complying with University policies and applicable laws are permitted to do so.

    Included in the range of permissible and important reasons that someone may elect to wear a mask include public health, disability, cultural, or religious reasons. UC policy allows people to wear a mask for health reasons such as COVID-19 and flu prevention. 
  • Who is permitted to ask me to provide identification and/or remove my mask or face covering on campus?
  • Only staff members specifically designated by university administration, including campus safety personnel, are permitted to ask for identification or removal of masks or face coverings during the performance of their duties in situations where assistance or intervention is needed. This includes asking for the identity of individuals (students, staff, faculty or non-affiliates) who are in violation of laws or campus policy. Non-affiliates, students, faculty, instructors and university staff who are not specifically designated by the university may not seek to carry out these directives. 

    No person on university property may refuse to identify themselves when requested by a designated university official performing their duties in situations that require assistance or intervention. Acceptable forms of identification may include but are not limited to campus IDs, employee or other campus credentials, and driver’s licenses. The individual has the reciprocal right to ask the university authority for identification that confirms their designation to serve in this compliance role.
  • What are examples of unauthorized structures?
  • Except when authorized by the university, examples of unauthorized structures include temporary or permanent structures such as a tents, platforms, booths, benches, buildings, building materials (such as bricks, pallets, etc.), walls, barriers, barricades, fencings, sculptures, bicycle racks or furniture on university property.

Related Policies and Resources